Cassill Motors
Closed. Opens Wednesday at 8:00 AM

50th Anniversary

Join Cassill Motors in Cedar Rapids, IA for our weekly #ThrowbackThursday edition!

Each week, we open the archives of 50 years in business to share stories about our customers, friends, vendors, and employees. Don’t miss out on the memories that have shaped our journey!

Brian Gibson

Cassill Friend

I was introduced to the Cassill family by my late first wife Jill in the early 90's. Her family had done business with them for years. I was needing service work on my truck and took it to them. The business relationship and friendship grew from there.

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Roger came on board as a sponsor on my Late model in 1993 and continues to support me every year. When he was developing Landon, I helped when I could and when they needed an extra set of hands. I have always been able to trust and count on both Roger and Jay over the years and have a tremendous amount of respect for both of them. I have purchased over 10 vehicles from them and never had an issue with anything. When Jill passed away suddenly in 2009, both Roger and Jay reached out to me and made it clear if I needed anything they were there for me. They ended up taking care of the arrangements of the food and covered the expenses for the luncheon after the funeral service. This was a huge weight lifted off my shoulders at the time and I will never forget it. True friends helping me out at my lowest point. The entire Cassill family are great people that put friendship ahead of business. I am blessed to have gotten to know them and honored to be able to call them friends.

Joanie Hanel

Especially for you Volunteer

Joanie Hanel has been volunteering with Especially for You since 2016. In these last 6 years she has helped to deliver race packets, decorate Christmas trees, volunteer in the office, and talk to women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer or who need early detection services.

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The Especially for You Race is near and dear to her heart because her own sister, Jem was diagnosed with breast cancer and died in November 2014. Joanie knows that early detection and treatment can make a difference to women. Jem didn't have the funds for early detection after she found a lump in her breast. Three years went by before she was diagnosed and by then the cancer had spread. Joanie's crusade to help others has brought her to Cassill Motors on a yearly basis to recruit employees to join the race and sponsor a team. One thing she is proud of is that all the money raised from the race stays right here in our community. The funds raised are for uninsured or underinsured men and women who need detection and treatment for breast cancer. One way you can get involved is to join the race! It's not too late! Individuals can still register until Sunday morning. You can register online or in person on Sunday morning. There are options to run, walk or join the family fun walk. Thank you, Joanie for making our community a better place by your generosity and time spent with men and women facing a cancer diagnosis. Cedar Rapids is a better place because of you!


Former Cassill Employee

Roger told me that he met my wife but he wouldn't tell me who she was. I was single at the time and Roger met a woman and he decided she would be a good fit for me. It was up to me to figure out what her name was.

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When I finally gathered enough clues about her and met her, I thanked Roger by inviting him to be the best man in my wedding. As a 12 year employee at Cassill Motors, I watched Roger's kids grow up and I used to be a pit gorilla for Landon's early racing career. I've even had Landon sign my prosthetic leg! At the old dealership building, there was a chandelier hanging from the ceiling. I used to dance with Echo when she was a little girl under the chandelier. She used to stand with her feet on mine and I would dance with her there. She came back to Iowa some time ago and danced with me out at Hawkeye Downs during the races. I liked to play practical jokes on Roger. He hates mice so I set up a very realistic mouse on his NADA book in his desk drawer. When he reached down and opened the drawer it looked like the mouse ran down his book. From the sounds of it, I believe he jumped back, got tangled in his chair and hit the floor. The kids are all grown now and I still follow Landon's racing career. My own daughter even borrowed Caesar for her wedding. -Dave Dutch Dykhuizen
Former employee

Hal Garwood

Former Coach & Teacher

I have known the Cassill family for many many years, I taught Stephanie and Jay at Van Buren Elementary and coached Roger in track at Wilson Middle School. I remember Jay as a student at Van Buren, he was a very good student. I sure enjoyed him while he was there.

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I knew he was a real hard worker because he kept telling me about how much work he was doing on cars back at the shop. Interesting story about Jay is it he noticed that my 1965 Ford Galaxy convertible was missing the F on the front of the hood so it said "ORD." Jay said, "I'm gonna fix that, I'm gonna put an F where it belongs so it spells the word 'Ford.'" One day he showed up with an F and he went out to the car and put it on the car for me. I was so impressed that he cared enough about me to do that at a young age. I was also Jay's Tinikling coach. The kids sure do remember Tinikling through the bamboo activity we did from the Philippine Islands. I have many students respond to me to say that they wish they could do Tinikling again. They actually want to do a reunion and have me bring the old poles and wood blocks. That would be fun sometime but I'm afraid we would have a lot of sprained ankles and maybe some broken bones if we got the adults doing it again! I still drive the 2007 Suburban that I purchased from Jay. I have also purchased 5 other vehicles from Roger and Jay would recommend Cassill Motors to anybody to purchase a car. I've enjoyed meeting and knowing the Cassill family for a long time. It's interesting to see what a superstar Jay has become with his commercials on TV. He's always coming out of the trunk every time I turn around. I have the greatest admiration for all the Cassill kids and I really enjoyed my relationship with them. I love you, Jay, Stephanie, and Roger. You've been a lot of fun to be around and great memories of my teaching career at Van Buren Elementary. Thank you for the memories. -Hal Garwood
Former coach, teacher, & customer

Mark Classon

Business Associate & Customer

In 1997 I was an account executive at KGAN when the original dealership was located on W. Post Road. I went into the showroom to meet with Roger. There were several gokarts on display and one of them was up high on display. Roger told me that his sons, Zach and Landon, were racing gokarts locally.

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I've been following Landon's racing career over the years since then. Shortly after that Roger wanted to have a big tent sale. We set out to have a tent sale at Broadcast Park in Cedar Rapids. We had golf carts on hand to drive people around to see the inventory and Cassill Motors sold 63 cars in one week while we were there! We've been business associates now for 25 years, and currently our family drives 3 vehicles purchased at Cassill Motors. One of the vehicles was a Jeep Compass that my daughter wanted. We went into the dealership to talk to Roger and he searched and found exactly the vehicle she wanted with the payment she could afford. He was very helpful in locating just the right vehicle for her. My wife and I have also purchased and currently drive vehicles purchased from Cassill Motors. -Mark Classon
Business Associate & Customer

Dealership ribbon cutting circa 1996-1997.

One of Landon's first gokarts.

We still have a gokart on display in the showroom today!

Jeffrey Thing

New Cassill Customer

My daughter & son in law have purchased several vehicles from Cassill Motors over the years. My son in law's father is also Jay's neighbor, who has also purchased vehicles from Cassill Motors. When it was time to shop for a vehicle, I decided to shop at Cassill Motors.

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When I came into the dealership, I talked to Larry. We discovered that our daughters went to high school together and that his wife and I used to be co-workers. Lastly, I've seen Landon race locally, I've seen the Jay in the trunk commercials, and of course I knew about the Cassill Motors Lifetime Engine Warranty. I shopped online, emailed Cassill Motors about a test drive, and then ended up buying a vehicle all within about 24 hours. They made it easy for me. I brought in 5 backpacks with school supplies because it's an easy way to help out local school children and it helped me save money. -Jeffrey Thing
New Cassill Customer

Marge Wieneke

Former Employee of 30 yrs

I was selling ads for the Penny Saver in 1986 and Cassill Motors was one of my accounts. In those days, we didn't have picture ads, all of the ads for cars were line by line. I had to take a leave of absence to care for my sick husband but I called Cassill to check on them.

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Janet offered me a job. I started at Cassill in 1989 and I worked in the office. I was the first non-family employee to work in the office at Cassill Motors. I did everything from title work, payroll, accounts receivable, to driving Stephanie to accordion lessons. Sometimes I also drove cars to the auction. In those days we didn't have computers, so we wrote everything by hand on cards and kept them in a file cabinet. The cards detailed how much we acquired the car for and all the work orders and repair work that was done for the vehicle. We used to do all of our work too, without a copy machine. I even remember when Janet got her first computer. My cousin used to live in a house that Janet & Dwayne ended up buying and living in. It was the house across the street from a triple X theater on the SW side of town. (Where the body shop now exists.) Before it was the triple X establishment, it was a doll museum. I would go visit my cousin who lived in the house and I had been to the doll museum several times. Years later Janet & Dwayne and the kids bought that house and lived in it and bought the triple X establishment and eventually tore it down. One day before it was torn down, a bank robber was hiding out in the motel. The police came and were standing behind the cars on the lot with their guns drawn, aimed at the motel. Roger could be such a jokester. Every day I filled the coffee pot up with water from the bathroom tap. One morning I went in to get the water and Roger had put Caesar in the bathroom and had him dressed up like he was going to the bathroom! Janet & Dwayne were a good team. She had great business sense. She kept track of all the details. And Dwayne always kept a Bible on his desk. He read it everyday. They were like family to me…they always were. If I needed anything, Jay and Roger would always help me out. -Marge Wieneke
Former Cassill Employee

Marge visiting with our current office staff. She used to do all of their jobs without a computer or copy machine!

Marge with Janet Cassill at Crystal Cassill's wedding in the dealership.

Marge working in the office.

Ron Canny

Cassill Cousin & Employee

Roger, Jay, & Stephanie and I are first cousins. Our grandparents, Harvey & Irene, lived on a family farm in southern Iowa. We all met there for Christmases as we were growing up. Dwayne also lived on that farm growing up and Janet lived on another nearby farm in the same area.

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Both of them, being farm kids, knew the value of family and hard work. Once when I was in high school, I drove Irene (my grandma) up to Cedar Rapids to visit with my uncle Dwayne and aunt Janet. When I got to the house, Dwayne tossed a pair of keys at me and told me to take his car for a ride. I went outside to find the car and was surprised to see that it was a white Corvette convertible. He told me that once I got to 25 MPH to punch the accelerator. So I took off on my own while my grandma and uncle visited. I hit the gas at 25 MPH and very quickly accelerated to 60 MPH. That was both fun and unnerving for me! Thankfully, I returned the car safely home. I often called Dwayne "my favorite biological uncle". I had many aunts, but he was my only uncle. Everyone loved him and he had friends all over. He was friendly with everyone that knew him and he was a guy that could really connect with people. When we both ended up in Arizona, I spent a lot of time with him when he was sick. He taught me a lot about fixing cars and I helped him with some chores around the house like organizing the garage, and mowing the lawn. I also attended auctions with him sometimes. He would go and inspect the cars in person and bid on vehicles for his friends who owned car dealerships. After Covid hit, I decided to make a career move and Roger offered me a job at Cassill Motors as Finance & Sales Manager. I've been here since February this year. It's been very rewarding to work with family and be back in Iowa. -Ron Canny
Cassill Cousin and employee

Grandpa Harvey sitting on the hood of a car with his friends.

Grandpa Harvey and Aunt Echo (we think) cleaning a car on the family farm.

Grandpa Harvey & Grandma Irene's farm where we would have Christmas gatherings with the other Cassill family members including Roger, Jay and Stephanie.

Arial view of Cassill Family Farm in southern Iowa.

Jay Nisley

Cassill Employee, 27 years

Jay Cassill & I go way back! We had mutual friends in our early 20s (my mom was even one of Jay Cassill's teachers at Wilson Middle School). After I graduated and finished my AA in Applied Automotive Technology, I went right to work as an Automotive Tech at my first job in Iowa City.

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Jay kept asking me to come to Cassill Motors, so while I was between jobs, I decided I would work here for 3-4 months. 27 (almost 28) years later, I am still here. I appreciate the family atmosphere of Cassill Motors. Working here while raising my family allowed me to be there for my kids when needed. Not every employer allows that kind of flexibility for their employees. My extended family and I have also bought at least 20 vehicles from Cassill Motors over the years. ----------------------------- Why does Cassill Motors have ridiculous pictures of Jay dressed as Darth Vader, a cowboy, Santa, Marty McFly, as a head on Mt. Rushmore, as a pirate, and as a scuba diver? We're glad you asked! About a year ago we made a job posting (view it here) for hiring in our service department. One of the job postings showed a picture of Jay working in the garage. The way he was standing made it look like he was standing on one leg and someone mentioned it on the Facebook ad. To make light of the situation, we started using Photoshop to make him appear like he was working in fun (but ridiculous) situations. He has been a great sport about it and we are thankful for his tremendous sense of humor. **If you have an idea for how we can photoshop him next, let us know!

Jeff Webster

Cassill Employee, 3 years

Jeff is our June MVP and this week's Throwback Thursday. Jeff has been with us for 3 years and brings over 30 years worth of sales experience to his role on our sales team at Cassill Motors.

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Over the course of 3 decades, he's seen large shifts in the automobile industry. Gone are the days when shoppers would visit multiple dealerships collecting information and test driving. Now car shoppers are savvy and educated and have access to so much information before they even step foot onto the lot. Jeff enjoys talking to shoppers and finds it fulfilling to figure out what their needs are and to help them find the right fit for their situation. When Jeff isn't at work, he has many hobbies such as woodworking, fishing, tending to his Koi pond, and being a DIY remodeler around the house.

From dirt hole:

To Koi Pond

Shiplap and DIY at Jeff's house

Kitchen remodel

Local fishing - Jeff caught a 50 pound catfish in a local pond!

Jeff and Jodie at the Breast Cancer walk in downtown CR

Jeff has great wood working skills. He made a cutting board from with a live edge.

Katrina Lorson

Cassill Employee, 21.5 years

After working at Target for 6 years behind the scenes in the accounting department, I started at Cassill Motors in October of 2000. There was a reshuffle of office staff as Janet Cassill was retiring. I was invited in to interview for a job by my God-mother, Lila, who was also a Cassill employee.

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After the interview, I was hired on the same day as a receptionist for the service department and doing paperwork for the body shop. Over the course of the last 21+ years, I have felt like a part of the Cassill Family. Having a full time job and balancing motherhood has been an important benefit in working here because I am still free to attend my kids events while they have been growing up. You can't put a price on the ability to have a career and be an involved parent. We've also bought several vehicles here over the years and we are currently shopping for a vehicle for our teenage daughter who will get her license soon.

Stevie Barber

Cassill Motors MVP

Stevie spent 6 days a week for 22 years helping out at Cassill Motors. He was our MVP: he waxed cars, mopped floors, took out the trash, drank ice water, loved Curious George, drank Sprite in Greg's garage after church, smiled and talked to everyone, enjoyed his bicycle rides to and from work.

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He loved riding along in the cars to the gas station to get snacks and fill up with fuel. He also liked going to Sam's Club with our employees and pushing the cart while we picked up needed supplies. He's an integral part of our story for over 2 decades. His chair and bicycle are still here and are solemn reminders that he was loved, valued, and cared for. Stevie was like family ..... he will be missed. Cassill Motors will be closed on Monday, June 20, 2022, from 9 am to 12 pm to allow our employees time to attend the funeral for Stevie. In high school, my job coach suggested that I should get job experience at Cassill Motors. I agreed with her! November 26, 2016 was the first day that I came to Cassill Motors. Larry Nelson gave me a tour around the dealership and introduced me to the salesmen that worked here, and gave me some cool stuff at the end of the day. Then I started volunteering at Cassill Motors one week later on December 7, 2016. I had a good experience being a volunteer at Cassill Motors. The employees here said that I do a good job waxing cars, and they really like me being here at this dealership. So once I graduated from Kennedy High School, I decided to apply and I got a job here at Cassill Motors on June 2, 2017. Five months later, my dad bought a 2015 Chevy Equinox on the same day that the Iowa Hawkeyes beat Ohio State 55-24 in football on November 3, 2017. My favorite memory as a Cassill Motors employee is when I finally realized that I belong here at this dealership, not just as an employee but as a family, the way the employees treat me here, it makes me feel like I am part of the family here at Cassill Motors. Also, my other favorite memory is when I beat my hometown hero Landon Cassill for the Cassill Motors Christmas Party at Speedeez Indoor Karting in Cedar Rapids, IA. Another thing I liked about the Christmas party is seeing the smile on everyone's faces knowing that they were having a good time. This is a shout-out to Landon Cassill. If he ever looks at this, I just want to say you are doing an amazing job, not just with racing but with your life. You started with humble beginnings in your career but look where you are now. You are now with a good racing team, also being a good husband and a good dad to your kids. Keep up the good work, and Lord willing, that your first career win is coming soon! -Ben Mulholland
Cassill Motors Employee & friend

Joanie Hanel

Cassill Cousin & Customer

Our Cassill Motors Memories - Congratulations on 50 Years! Our relationship as customers and where it all began:

We had never heard the name Cassill until my cousin, Colleen, married Roger. We had no idea what Roger's job was but I remember talking about a man named Sunny… Colleen said he was a salesperson for Roger's dad… And what does Roger's dad sell?

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Sometime after that conversation we decided to check out the business. There we met Dwayne and Janet and really liked them. We bought a few cars from them, we also shopped at a place closer to home in Marion, but returned to Cassill Motors and never looked back. We have been married for 42 years and have purchased most of our vehicles there; not because of the family connection, but because of how Roger conducts business in an honorable way. Someone once asked me what Roger and Cassill Motors was really like. I answered, "What you see is what you get!" Roger is the real deal and I am proud to say that. The call that changed everything. Living on the Northeast side of Cedar Rapids, we had all of our service work done closer to home. Brian could drop our car off, walk to work and bring the vehicle back home… The last call we received from the repair shop changed everything. We were told our vehicle needed a new transmission and we did not have the $2,500 that it would require. It was so upsetting and I said to Brian, "Call Roger!!!" The call was made and of course, Jay was brought in on the conversation. He was definite in his answer… "It is not your transmission, these cars have this particular issue…" ( I can't remember the issue) "Bring it in, we can replace it for around $250." We could breathe again and Jay was 100% right! You have a sales manager? We purchased a vehicle and a very nice guy closed the deal. I later learned he was Greg Hastings. The next day I received a call from Roger. He wanted to know my thoughts on his new sales manager as he was new to the company. He knew I would tell him the truth, good or bad. I did not know who my salesman was, nor that Greg was the sales manager. I said, "Oh, that guy that sat in the elevated chair (Think Captain Kirk's chair) he was very nice and did a great job!" We feel at home when we stop in for a service call or just to say hello. Seeing Greg is always great. Our granddaughter needs you! Just before Covid hit, our 2 year old granddaughter was diagnosed with a rare terminal disease. She could walk and talk but that was soon taken away. It was getting more difficult for Maggie to be lifted into a car seat and also uncomfortable for her. A wheelchair accessible van with a ramp and space for our grandsons was needed. Our daughter Heidi and son in law live in the Des Moines area and had been looking in their area. I told my daughter, please call Roger, he can help you. What do parents know? I was in the dealership and asked if Roger was in. He and I talked about our family's needs. I phoned Heidi, she and Roger had a very good conversation. Our son in law, Samuel, said, "This man knows his business, let's leave it in his hands." Jeremiah was the sales person in charge and was awesome! Cassill Motors made many bids on wheelchair accessible vehicles only to be outbid, but they finally won out. They were doing all they could to keep the cost down. Sweet Success! The day they picked up the van, the whole family was there. Heidi had signs made and insisted that Greg along with Jeremiah be in the Cassill Motors picture. Of all my memories over the years, this memory touches my heart the most. Thank you for not only being family but also being our friends. Sincerely, Joanie and Brian Hanel
Cassill family, customers, friends

Ben Mulholland

Cassill Employee

In high school, my job coach suggested that I should get a job experience at Cassill Motors. I agreed with her! November 26, 2016 was the first day that I came to Cassill Motors. Larry Nelson gave me a tour around the dealership and introduced me to the salesmen that worked here, and gave me some cool stuff at the end of the day.

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Then I started volunteering at Cassill Motors one week later on December 7, 2016. I had a good experience being a volunteer at Cassill Motors. The employees here said that I do a good job waxing cars, and they really like me being here at this dealership. So once I graduated from Kennedy High School, I decided to apply and I got a job here at Cassill Motors on June 2, 2017. Five months later, my dad bought a 2015 Chevy Equinox on the same day that the Iowa Hawkeyes beat Ohio State 55-24 in football on November 3, 2017. My favorite memory as a Cassill Motors employee is when I finally realized that I belong here at this dealership, not just as an employee but as a family, the way the employees treat me here, it makes me feel like I am part of the family here at Cassill Motors. Also, my other favorite memory is when I beat my hometown hero Landon Cassill for the Cassill Motors Christmas Party at Speedeez Indoor Karting in Cedar Rapids, IA. Another thing I liked about the Christmas party is seeing the smile on everyone's faces knowing that they were having a good time. This is a shout-out to Landon Cassill, if he ever looks at this, I just want to say you are doing an amazing job, not just with racing but with your life. You started with humble beginnings in your career but look where you are now. You are now with a good racing team, also being a good husband and a good dad to your kids. Keep up the good work, and Lord willing, that your first career win is coming soon! -Ben Mulholland
Cassill Motors Employee & friend

Cindy West

Former Jefferson teacher

It was approximately 1990 and we were headed out to a family vacation in our recently purchased Suburban from Cassill Motors. We only got a few miles down the road when the vehicle had some mechanical problems. We called Dwayne, and he sent a tow truck after us and brought us back to the dealership.

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They replaced the transmission on that very same day so that we could get back on the road for vacation. We told him we were headed to Niagara Falls and asked what we should do if the vehicle encountered any more problems. He assured us that he would personally come and pick us up in his airplane if we got stranded anywhere. In addition to purchasing over 15 vehicles from Cassill Motors over the years since that day, I sometimes have had the privilege of coming to the dealership to translate Spanish for Cassill customers who had difficulty understanding English. I was also Stephanie's Spanish teacher in high school when she attended Jefferson. Lucky for me, the boys had already graduated before I was hired to teach there! My relationship with the Cassills can be summed up in one word: Friends. -Cindy West
Former Jefferson High School Spanish Teacher & friend of the Cassill family

Cedar Rapids

Rough Riders

The Cassill Family is made up of genuine people with a reputation for giving back to the community. Throughout the years of knowing Roger & Jay, they have always been known for first-class service. They like to support the community, just like the RoughRiders.

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We could not have thought of a better partner for the RoughRiders when looking for a Zamboni sponsor as they have spent a lot of time at Imon Ice with Echo's skating career. The Cassill Motors Zamboni has been a huge asset at our games. Landon is already well known in the CR area, and we've been fortunate enough to not only promote Landon on our Zamboni, but Cassill Motors as well. We love our community and are grateful for the support of Roger and the Cassill Motors team. -Cedar Rapids RoughRiders

Jeff King

Artist & Owner at Stealth Printers

I have purchased two cars from Cassill Motors in the last 15 years and have been VERY happy with the sales and service I have received.

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*Edited by us to add: Jeff is an amazing metalsmith and artist. We have commissioned him numerous times to create big and small pieces of artwork for us. The giant castle on the outside of the building? Yep! He made that! The giant logo above the door on the inside of the building? Yep! He did that too - along with our 50th anniversary signs, and things that he prints for us for our sale at Lindale Mall each year. Thanks, Jeff for being an amazing and artistic part of our 50th year in business this year and for so many years in the past. We love being your friend in the printing and metal business! -Jeff King
Metalwork Artist at Stealth Printers, Cassill Motors friend

Josh Paulson


I have known Roger, Stephanie, and Jay since 2012. At the Center Point Road dealership, Jay used to share his wisdom on work and life and provide much-needed advice to a young, rookie advertising rep. I then met Roger and Stephanie when the new dealership opened and worked with the team on television commercials.

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I am pleased to say that I was in the room when Jay, Roger, and Stephanie created the "Jay in the Trunk" commercial idea in 2014. I have enjoyed all of our advertising meetings and admire how the Cassill family operates the business. I've bought too many cars from Roger and Jeremiah. Roger has helped encourage my love of flying airplanes. Roger took me up to Waterloo with his dog, Sinatra, in a plane that needed to be washed. The radar showed two pockets of showers on the East and West of our flight path, and Roger looked at me and said, "We need to wash this thing" and turned directly into the rain. I had the privilege of meeting Landon several years ago for an advertising meeting and enjoyed hearing his perspective on things. All of my experiences with Cassill have been wonderful, and they have gone out of their way to help me if I needed it. Culture starts at the top, and that is very clear with the Cassill family - I enjoy seeing Greg and working with Jenn as well. -Josh Paulson
OnMedia Rep & Cassill Friend & Customer

Center Point Road Dealership
Watch our most popular Jay in the Trunk video here.

Sheryl Payton

Graphic Designer

We have purchased many vehicles from Cassill Motors over the years, including the Honda Accord I currently drive and my daughter's Honda Civic. Cassill Service is also great. My 4-year-old granddaughter recently joined me while I waited for an oil change and she loved the kid's area, looking at the cars, and of course the snacks.

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She even drew a picture for the service team and was thrilled when they hung it up. Now every time we drive by, she says, "I see Cassill." In addition to my full-time job, I am a freelance designer and work with Jefferson's Fine Arts Department. (Fun fact, my father, Robert Geuder, was the drama director at Jefferson for 36 years and the co-founder of West Side Delegation.) I got to know Colleen Cassill in 2012 when her daughter, Echo, was in West Side Delegation and we worked together on the program for the Jefferson Show Choir Invitational. She must have liked my work, because over the years I have worked with Colleen on many other designs for Echo's ice skating events, t-shirts for Landon's racing fans, and other family and business projects. I was honored when Colleen asked me to design the Cassill Motors 50th Anniversary logo. It is so fun to see the many ways it is being used--billboards, t-shirts, ads, Facebook, and on television. Best wishes to the entire Cassill team! -Sheryl Payton
Graphic Designer & Former Jefferson Show Choir mom

Craig Ross

Cassill Motors VP of Operations

I have enjoyed working for Roger since 1992 in Vinton, Iowa, at Cassill Ford Mercury when he was the youngest Ford dealership owner in the country and Colleen was the Office Manager.

When he sold that dealership, he brought me with him back to Cassill Motors where I was able to also work with Dwayne, Janet, Jay, and Stephanie at the original dealership located at the SE corner of 16th Ave SW & West Post Rd SW in Cedar Rapids. What a great experience!

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Although I stepped away for 12 years (1997 to 2008), it's been fun to reflect back on life experiences of the last 30 years with Roger and the entire Cassill family! From riding as Roger's passenger on a motorcycle on an old airport runway to, hearing of his family hiking, fishing, skiing, being a spotter for Landon's auto and truck racing, spotting for other racers as needed, competing internationally in Ironman Triathlon competitions, watching his children grow up, seeing Jay work late into the night and early morning to replace the clutch on my 1991 Taurus SHO, hearing Jay every Saturday morning on the radio for the Car Geek Hour, and seeing Jay being one of Santa's helpers every Christmas. Then there was quite an unusually special memory of "Going Over The Top" rappelling beside Jay off the top of the Iowa Building in downtown Cedar Rapids to raise funds for Youth For Christ! I enjoyed working with Stephanie when she was back in high school and helping her mom in the accounting department before she left to go to college in Oklahoma… It was during her time there that the Murrah Federal Building was destroyed from a terrorist bombing. It was fun to see Steph drive her new bright yellow Mustang convertible as a teenager that her family special ordered for her. It is a pleasure to continue working with Stephanie in the wide array of areas at the dealership that she is involved in as a manager! I remember back in the early 1990s when Roger received a call from someone concerning, I think it was a (1957?) Ford Thunderbird, that had been stored in a barn near Vinton… We rode out together in the winter with about six inches of snow on the ground to inspect it… He bought it on the spot and then restored it himself to showroom condition! It was immaculate! It's been great to see Colleen become one of the outstanding businesswomen leading the way in the Cedar Rapids area as well! She has been the owner of Cassill Auto Value Rentals, L.L.C. for many years while raising a wonderful family! It's been special for me to watch Zach pursue hiking and fishing and now working with his wife Mari in Saudi Arabia! I remember him helping me with Excel spreadsheets when he was back on break from Winona College in Minnesota… (I am pretty sure he has some kind of genius status brain!). I enjoyed asking Roger to give me updates on Zach's professional fishing competitions and the time Zach spent in Alaska as a professional fishing guide! I remember Roger telling me how Landon was trying to pass Zach on a corner while "racing" quads in a field at age four and Landon's response to Zach mentioning that Landon had run into him on the corner was "Rubbing is racing, Dad!" Now, seeing pics of Landon's family dress up for Halloween and seeing them stopping in with Landon at the dealership is very special to me. We are all looking forward to Landon having a great racing season again this year and becoming more involved at Cassill Motors in the future! Seeing Echo grow up to be a professional ice skater and now a commercial pilot and flight instructor is amazing as well! It's nice to know she had the best flight instructor herself (initially Roger) to help ensure she has the necessary understanding and experiences for dealing with challenging situations! Now seeing Jay's sons grow up to be fine young men as well is great! Plus I get to work with Jeremy's wife, Crystal Blu Cassill, as she is the manager of our title and vehicle dispatch department working full time while being the mother of two little ones, Elle and Carson! And Stephanie and Chad's daughters: Bridget, now soon to be a full-time educator/scuba diver, and Carla, now at ISU studying Architecture have grown up to be wonderful young women… both who have spent many years helping out in the title department, receptionist desk, and our website updating our inventory! What I greatly appreciate is the solid and consistent Character and Integrity being displayed over the years. I remember these old quotes from over the years, "Improvise, adapt and overcome", "So let it be written, so let it be done", and "People don't care how much you know until they find out how much you care". It's been great to see Roger be a solid leader in all aspects of his life. Happy 50th Anniversary to Cassill Motors! P.S. Roger Cassill is the best automobile painter and airplane pilot that I have ever known! Isaiah 40:28-31, Phil 4, John 8:32, Jude 1:24-25 -Craig Ross
VP of Operations at Cassill Motors

Slayton Thompson

Friend & Community Advocate

I remember talking to Dwayne, looking at cars outside of the house. Seeing the two boys running around with the water hose. We talked about family and that conversation lasted for more than 15 years. We were more than friends - we were trusted friends. Trusted friends are hard to come by.

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I used to take Stephanie to Wilson for school when the dealership was busy. I've bought at least 4 cars from Cassill Motors over the years and had them serviced as well. Stories? Well, one time there was a man in a car asleep on the lot, and Dwayne found him. He called me and asked me to come out. I came out and I was able to get the man to Willis Daddy and get him the help that he needed. I appreciated the way Dwayne handled that situation. I was sad to hear that Dwayne had passed in 2019, but I remain a trusted friend of the Cassill family. -Slayton Thompson
Musician, friend, community advocate

Kristine DeKlotz

High School Friend, Vendor

Congratulations Cassill on your 50 years of service. It's at moments like this when you ask yourself, "So how did our relationship with Cassill begin?". After a bit of reflection, I realized Cassill became a part of our lives LONG before we ever were in the market for a vehicle. It began in the 1990's when our youth group began to grow and Cassill would graciously rent us vans.

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This was something youth group parents GREATLY appreciated. The blessing of Cassill was also intertwined in our lives because my parents had a respect for Cassill. This relationship began during the days my dad was a vendor at the Noelridge Farmers Market. Over the years, their love for Chad and Stephanie allowed them a personal insight into the generosity and community support Cassill Motors was involved in. So, when we discovered Cassill had a used Uplander for sale and our need for a new vehicle was becoming very evident, the decision to buy from Cassill just wasn't difficult since Cassill had invested in our lives over the years in so many ways. In addition, the Service Department has never been anything but kind and professional. And I have to be honest, the fact there were soft chairs and complimentary ice cream sandwiches in the waiting area made it much easier for our boys to wait patiently while the oil change was getting done. Pretty sure the sweet treats, coffee, and conversation were reasons my dad loved stopping by as well. So, THANK YOU CASSILL for doing your best to provide quality vehicles to families, impeccable service and investing in your community. May God bless your business and your family in the years ahead. -Susan Houy
Cassill Friend and Customer

Norman Schanz

Friend, Customer, Furniture builder

"My first purchase with the Cassill family was at the original dealership location on West Post Road. Over the last 5 decades, my family & I have continued to purchase vehicles from Cassill Motors including cars and trucks and vans for both personal and business use. My wife also used to regularly rent vans from Cassill Motors over the course of many years to travel to a basket & broom convention out of state."

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In addition to being a loyal customer for 50 years, he has also been a local business owner in Eastern Iowa since 1966. His furniture shop, Schanz Furniture is located in South Amana. Norman built some of the furniture that we use at Cassill Motors on a daily basis, including this 18' long table in our employee break room. It was handmade in his shop from Iowa Oak. He also handmade the rocking chair that sits in our dealership in the kids area for moms and dads and caregivers to have a comfortable place to sit while children play. The Cassill family also personally owns several pieces made by Norman & Schanz Furniture including a table and chairs at Stephanie's house that are still strong and sturdy and 35 years old! Thanks, Norman for being not only a valued customer and friend but a valuable contributor to the history of Cassill Motors. -Norman Schanz
1972 Customer, Friend, Furniture Builder

Jim Hessenius

Longtime Customer & Friend

We became avid Cassill fans back in 1987 when Roger sold a Crown Victoria Wagon to us right before we moved to Minnesota, where I was headed to college. We found some problems with the car that I thought would be an expense for us to fix. I mentioned it to Roger thinking we would be out of luck.

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Cassill fixed it at no cost to us. I had never before been able to use the word "honest" in the same sentence as a car dealer before. I have never been let down yet. Four generations of my family have bought all our vehicles from Cassill Motors. At my count, my wife and I have purchased 23 vehicles and with family and friends who have gone to Cassill Motors, we are probably well over 100 vehicles. The Cassill family are friends as well as our Car dealers. -Jim Hessenius
Longtime Customer & Friend

John Vavra

Banker from 1972

My relationship with Cassill Motors began before it really was Cassill Motors.

Dwayne was working at Wilson's and buying, fixing and selling used cars. I had been at 1st Trust & Savings Bank for a while and financed some cars for him in late '72 or '73. We progressed on to "Cassill Motors" after that.

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Dwayne and Janet sold their SE side home and we financed a house behind the Salty Dog on the corner of West Post Rd and 16th Ave. I think Then the XXX Theatre building was bought and again we financed it for them. (Edited to add: the XXX establishment was bought so it could be destroyed.) They continued to do well and we financed their expansions. After I left 1st Trust and went to United Security, I still did business with Jay personally and financed some retail contracts for Roger and Colleen. I still have a Christmas card from them. I lost contact with the family after my heart surgery, and moved to Davenport. I only just saw them all at the dealership after Dwayne's death. I was glad to have worked with Dwayne and Janet for so many years and be a part of helping to get them started way back when. -John Vavra
Banker from 1972

Dwayne and Janet bought this house next to the triple X establishment and lived in it with their 3 young children.

Dwayne and Janet bought the triple X establishment to help clean up the SW side of town and so they could repurpose the space for their growing car dealership business.

The Salty Dog, before it was remodeled into the dealership. You can see the house the Dwayne and Janet lived in off on the right.

The car dealership was built in the space where the Salty Dog used to stand.

Paula Hamer

Pinto owner from 1977

Dwayne sold the car to my dad when I was 16 years old. I believe we paid $600 for it in 1977. The Cassill family and mine were members of Twin Pines Baptist Church at the time, and my mom and Janet became good friends. My sister, Kelly, is Roger's age.

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When I became a cosmetologist, Janet became a client up until she moved away. Both of my parents have become avid fans of NASCAR from following Landon's career. Dad continues to do business with Cassill Motors and thoroughly enjoys visiting with Jay whenever he is out there. -Paula Hamer
1977 Customer

Carla & Caesar

the Untold Story

There are certain things in life that automatically come with being family. That was, of course, where my Cassill Story begins. That part is somewhat routine and an expected outcome of being blessed with a sister like Janet (Cassill). However, I experienced life with the Cassills far beyond the family connection.

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I moved to Iowa City, directly after graduating from high school and began my most treasured Cassill connection. My life was full of adjustments to being away from my home in a strange place, learning a new job, separated from everything that was familiar, etc. Janet came to my rescue and she and Dwayne were willing to share their life with me. When I first heard of a new baby joining their family, I was so in hopes this baby would be a girl. After the joy Roger and Jay had offered, a baby girl would be the perfect addition. Actually, I was so sure that Janet would be delivering a girl, I immediately began the stockpile of little pink items she would need. I was so relieved that God did indeed give the Cassill's a baby girl and what a treasure she has been! It was only fitting for her to come home from the hospital in a pink Crown Victoria. Dwayne and Janet were just beginning to broaden the Cassill business and as Steph became a toddler, it became necessary for them to travel long distances to buy cars. I reaped the benefit in those trips because I had the privilege of staying with the Cassill kids over long weekends. Basically we grew up together, and they filled a void in my life right then. I was so young and they were younger. As silly as it may sound, I still claim the honor of seeing Roger's first touchdown. He ran the whole length of the field, as I remember it. On the downside, I got so excited in the bleachers that little Stephanie bounced off the metal seats onto the ground. She just looked at me like I was a little nuts…. no tears, no injuries, no problem! The boys were a little ornery and kept me on my toes. We searched for the family Christmas tree one year, denting the "oh so loved" El Camino in the process. Roger's friend Joel stayed sometimes so there were 3 crazy young boys that could manage to make me laugh all day. They made a mischievous trio and it was impossible to ever lose patience totally…. Joel was a little afraid of me, Jay had a smile and twinkle in his eye that solved any issue and Roger had a conscience that made him bring me breakfast in bed the morning following their antics. These were years before I had my own family and Cassills (all of them) were my best friends and provided a safe place for me. As years went by and our families grew, the experiences expanded. There was a course of time when I did Jay's laundry in trade for my car maintenance, which resulted in a sudden alteration to his favorite jeans in a way he'll always remember. Some particular pictures come to mind as our families spent time together… i.e., Jay taking my son, Nicholas, down the street in a red Corvette, holding garbage bags full of pop cans out the window on their way to the store for return; Jayne grabbing Jay's hand and leading him anywhere she wanted him to go, the look on Dwayne's face when my husband, Lynn broke the spark plug off, and Janet being the only one with enough nerve to climb to the top of the ladder to paint. The memory bank overflows and I really can't remember life without the Cassills. As the cycle of life continued, my small children learned quickly that no one can rock a baby like Aunt Janet and Nicholas reminded me recently that Uncle Dwayne is the one who instilled in him the importance of a strong handshake…."you never get a second chance to make a first impression." And then there is Caesar! On a road trip to Ohio, through Merrillville, IL, a vendor was parked with several metal knights standing in the parking lot. They were three different sizes and a couple of different finishes. We laughed at the sight of these guys standing there, looking like the breakout of a medieval war or sparring competition but we continued down the highway. About 5 miles went by, Lynn and I simultaneously dropped our jaws and said "AWW, what a perfect gift!" We quickly turned around and after much discussion and dealing, the decision was made and the knight was purchased. At that point, we realized he wouldn't fit in the car. We had a blanket in the trunk and the man had some twine so we securely wrapped the blanket around our new metal friend for his ride in the trunk of our car. However, he was a little too tall so his head had to stick out. We took off to finish our trip. It was, however, pointed out to us that it appeared we were transporting a dead body in our trunk. Being someone who would never even exceed the speed limit, this provided grounds for constant worry about a possible Highway Patrol stop all the way back to Iowa. Such a relief it was, when we arrived without having to explain or unwrap the apparent corpse from our trunk. And so Caesar was delivered as a gift to Janet and Dwayne and has stood proud at the dealership ever since. He has been used for many practical jokes, startling numerous visitors, especially in the dark. And now it gives me great pleasure when I see him utilized in advertising for Cassill Motors. Oh, if Caesar could talk, the stories he could tell. I realize the focus of this 50-year celebration is about the car business. And It has been such a privilege to watch this entire family work together to build the business that exists today. When I think of my Cassill Story, however, they are so much more than the car business. Seeing Janet and Dwayne's legacy continue through Roger, Jay, and Stephanie, their families and their children's families makes me so incredibly proud and warms my heart. People grow up and locations change and sometimes relationships get put on hold a little, but memories of days gone by are here to stay. Thank you, Cassill's, for your addition of so many treasured memories to my memory bank. -Carla
Aunt to Roger, Jay, Stephanie; purchased Caesar & gave him to the Cassill Family

Colleen Cassill

Geo, Pilot, & Race Mom

Just a few thoughts and memories as we close out our Cassill Motors 50th Anniversary February race month. It's been an adventure to keep our family car business going throughout all these years. I am so thankful for our employee team, customers and most of all my family. They have all played a part into the success that has gotten Cassill Motors this far.

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We look forward to the new friends and old ones that stop in to talk shop, racing, and family. It's a privilege and blessing we have to know you. My time keeping our home life going with raising the kids, volunteering, working in the body shop, and doing car titles, has been very rewarding. I had great mentors with Janet and Marge. Both ladies showed me how to be professional in a small family business. It's been awhile since I've been required to report to my office, as I have stepped back from day to day at the dealership, knowing that our new generation of employees carry on the Cassill name with pride and honor, selling and servicing our cars with the same integrity that Dwayne and Janet had when they were there. I do look forward to the holiday season, helping with all the activities that lead up to our Cassill Motors company year end party. It's always a great way to finish out each year with everyone in the same location enjoying time together. This year seems extra special to us all. Anyway, it's hard to write about just one of our children when there are 3 that I've raised with my husband Roger of 37 years. Our lives are all inclusive of each other especially when writing about our family racing years. We did that altogether, along with support from Uncle Jay and Grandma and Grandpa Cassill. We never had to worry where the boys were on the weekends. They were at the track, wherever the schedule would take us, like many racing families we met. Our kids became great friends with other racing kids as we traveled from track to track in the Midwest and sometimes in the Deep South. This racing thing all started on a 12 volt plastic body quad runner when the boys were toddlers. (both still in diapers) Zac would be the one giving his screaming brother, Landon a ride on the back....I have pictures to prove that. I would yell for Landon to hold on tight! Plastic quads, turned into mini quads and rides with Dad out at 600 acres near Lake McBride. Boy, they came home muddy, but full of talk about who went the fastest and highest on the big jumps. What also had to happen was a trip to catch some fish. You see, Zac is our fisherman and outdoor kid. He loves the thrill of fishing and Lake McBride is a favorite fishing spot for him. Cassill Motors was always involved in billboard sponsoring at Hawkeye Downs, as a way to support the racing community out there. I think Roger secretly wanted to race also, but career and family got in the way. He did some motocross for fun and drag racing as a teenager. So that was the fun he had as a youngster. There was a Jr. Go Kart exhibition race on a regular Friday night at Hawkeye Downs. The local Kart club lead by Reiken Racing was promoting the Sunday afternoon racing they sponsored at the Downs. Uncle Jay somehow managed to get a go kart last minute that one of our boys could use in that race. I don't remember which boy it was that got to race, I think Landon. I don't know what I was thinking when I said sure! Maybe I didn't have a choice at this point. Both boys had been riding quads for so long, it was a natural progression I guess. I was nerve wracked watching those little kids racing in front of that huge crowd....little did I know. After that Friday night exhibition experience, Roger and I thought it would be a fun family activity to do, which meant a jump to gas powered Go Kart racing at Hawkeye Downs in Cedar Rapids on Sunday afternoons after church. That took some logistics and prayer. We couldn't do this all alone, Uncle Jay was there for the boys and us as we needed him there too. Lots of loading and unloading of race equipment. Lunch usually was in the crockpot, water and snacks in the coolers, it was work! I think the kids got sick of my Sloppy Joe sandwiches. They always jumped on the idea of Chick Fil A for lunch instead. We figured it was just a little fun activity for us all to enjoy on the weekends. Little did I know, the boys were growing into an activity that became a real obsession of theirs. It wasn't always the best of times, "life lessons" I think is the phrase they say these days. When competition and adults get involved in kids sports like anything else, stuff happens. Like the time Landon was DQ'd of a first win by a technical issue with an air filter adapter; that of course another racing parent pointed out. We had no clue! Landon went from joy to disgust. We had to try our best to explain to him that we are all learning this together, and put it behind him and be a sport. It was definitely hard, but that proved to me he was a competitive kid, and there will be other races to race. Another race was at a dirt track in Webster City where the "tech barn" officials didn't call a Jr. 1 feature winner until 4:00am in the morning. Guess who stayed up all night waiting to hear the official winner? However when Zac was 12, he had a tumble at a road course in Wisconsin. He turned in his racing gear, and chose to fish instead after the end of that season. Zac also became Landon's number one technical analyst. Using the Micron software system which was something new to us. We would always hear over the track intercom "Micron Mike, you're needed at tech!" (Mike was the sales rep) Zac was a great asset as he rigged up a transponder and software on the Go Kart Landon raced, and it tracked his go kart data as he made hot laps and practice laps and race laps. He would go over the information on a laptop with Landon. We watched Zac get so much more out of learning that new facet of racing than actually on track racing. Both boys were fun to watch interact in the moment. Roger would tell the kids, "It's not worth doing if it's not fun anymore". So we tried to keep it fun for all of us together. One wild racing weekend I recall left Roger and I both wondering if we were still having fun… It was a big National IKF dirt race at the Newton Kart club. At this time the kids knew the routine. Check in, unload race equipment, organize, drivers meeting, lunch etc. With one exception it seemed that Roger and I were the only ones doing the pre race work. Hmmmmm……………Where are the kids? Well, Zac was found along the Newton creek which ran along side the track fishing, when we needed his help with the computer set up, Landon was hobnobbing and playing cards (poker, I think) with his race friends who came in from all over the country to race. Echo was doing the same, playing with her friends and having a great time! I chuckle now, I was such a pit Mom! We weren't sure if they were there to race or if we were. Oh well, play first, race later right? Fun fact; Did you know there was a Go Kart track we raced at in a small Iowa town called "Jamaica". The kids got a kick out of telling their friends they went to Jamaica for the weekend. If my memory serves me right, there is a picture of 7ish year old Landon earning his first trophy in a Jr. Go Kart race at Hawkeye Downs, Cedar Rapids. He wanted a picture as he was so excited so we found the perfect backdrop. (The Tech Barn) Little did I know that excited boy would find a way to make a living doing what he loves to do. Not without taking that Go Kart back home and cleaning it up and getting it ready for his next week race, that was his incentive. No work, no race! (I had to get his first official autograph on that picture too!) Landon chose his number and paint design after his favorite driver of the time, Mark Martin. I remember Landon as a toddler learning numbers, colors, and sponsors by using his matchbox car collection. He could recite all of them by memory. It was very entertaining. Landon moved up in racing on the full 1/2 mile track of Hawkeye Downs in the Legends division, Modified, and Late Model division. Those were fun nights for us all. Our Cassill race team grew to several friends who loved the sport and were willing to show up to help us in the pits. Thank God for the racing volunteers! Hawkeye Downs is our "home" track for our family and many other local drivers we have supported through the years. It's a place that brings us altogether to enjoy the competition of grassroots racing. Echo, our daughter who we needed to keep track of and engaged at the track during long race weekends went with the flow of things. This is where the other race families had the same issue, and the little kids that didn't race would end up at our motorhome. There we had a little swim pool that the kids would have fun in, along with snacks and TV. That was the same kiddie pool that we would wash dirt tires in during

Landon's first autographed hero card - to his mom!

Landon as a young driver with Colleen.

Zac caught the elusive "Rooster" fish.

Roger and Landon after a big win.

Unlce Jay (My Car Geek) and Landon.

Echo skating in Disney on Ice as Anna from the the Disney movie Frozen.

Danny Lehmkuhl

Local Racer & Cassill Friend

I first met Landon in science class the first week of freshman year in high school. We started hanging out and spending time in the race shop after school, I was hooked. I began traveling and going to nearly every Latemodel race all the way through high school. Colleen and Roger treated me as one of their own.

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We were in the shop every day after school. Later I started working at the dealership part time and eventually full time for many years. Now I am proud to be representing their family and the dealership family that I know well on the side of my car. It has been a dream of mine my entire life to race and Roger and Cassill Motors have made that a reality for me. -Danny Lehmkuhl
Locally Sponsored Racer, former employee, and friend of the Cassill family

Danny's race car

Landon & Danny & Rich Lushes climbing the fence after a big win.

Tony Olson

Sponsored Local Racer

My first experience with Cassill Motors was when I was in high school and I bought my first car from there. I first met Roger and while getting to know him he took an interest in my racing career and offered to sponsor my race car.

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For the past 18 years Roger has not only been a huge part of my race team, but he has supported me on and off the track. I don't know if I would still be racing today if it weren't for the years of dedication, encouragement, and support from Cassill Motors. I've always been proud to display the Cassill Motors logo on all my race cars, as well as call them friends. -Tony Olson
Cassill Motors locally sponsored driver
Follow Tony's Race Info here

Jeremiah Davis

Local Racer & Employee

I was told once that if a person wants to be successful, they should attach themselves to successful people. It was that principle that ultimately brought me to Cassill Motors - both as a customer and as an employee.

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After I moved to Cedar Rapids in 2013, I became acquainted with both Landon and Roger Cassill through my previous job. It was because I knew them that I first came to the dealership as a customer. I had shopped several places before that, but in the course of buying a car, I never was treated like a person - more of a commodity. My experience all those years ago made me a customer for life. When my professional life changed in 2018, and I was looking for a job, that treatment resurfaced. Roger offered me a job, and, frankly, I didn't think much of becoming a salesman at first. But I was reminded of the aforementioned principle - did I want to be successful, or stubborn? I needed to take a chance out of my comfort zone and challenge myself. That decision set the course for a life change for which I will always be grateful, most especially the fact that it kept me in Eastern Iowa, where I met my wife three months after starting at Cassill. Through working here, I also get to chase my own racing dreams - Cassill Motors sponsors my go-kart racing endeavors - and to represent Team Cassill is a privilege. I'm grateful and proud to be here, and do my best to pay that forward to everyone I meet when they stop in. -Jeremiah Davis
Cassill Motors Employee and locally sponsored Cassill Motors driver
Follow Jeremiah's Race Info here

Steve Christofferson

Customer & Vendor

We started as a customer of Cassill Motors around 1975. We bought our first car from Dwayne Cassill. Since that time, we have purchased 14 vehicles from Cassill for us and our kids. Jay and Roger Cassill are super friendly and very honest, which is very important when purchasing a used vehicle.

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We also became one of Cassill's vendors about 15 years ago, as ABC Embroidery we began producing apparel for their employees with their logo embroidered on the apparel. Recently we did shirts with their 50th Anniversary logo on them for their entire staff. Their customer service is the best, they stand 100 percent behind the vehicles that they sell. Our last two vans have over 200,000 miles on them. We would highly recommend everyone to go to Cassill Motors when you are ready to purchase your next new or used vehicle. You will be very glad that you did. -Steve Christoffersen
ABC Embroidery

Crystal Cassill

Title Office Manager

"I bought my first car from Cassill Motors in 2017. Shortly after that I got my first job at Cassill, as a part time office filing assistant. In 2018 I was offered a full time position as a service advisor. In 2019 I moved into my current role as the Title Office Manager."

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Along the way, I also met my husband, Jeremy Cassill. We even got married in the dealership, and now we have 2 kids! I never knew when I bought a car here that I would eventually gain a family and a rewarding career. -Crystal Cassill
Cassill Motors Employee

Earl Schwartz

Dwayne's Former Co-Worker

I remember back to the era of 1966-1971 when I worked with Dwayne Cassill at the packing plant. Dwayne was commenting that he needed to get right home after work and start working on some cars because he was starting a new business and he needed to do some mechanical work on the cars before selling them.

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After years went by, I saw Landon Cassill out racing at Hawkeye Downs when Landon was beginning his racing career. I recognized the Cassill name from working with Dwayne at the packing plant. Many more years went by and I needed a different vehicle. I went to Cassill Motors in March of 2021 and traded in my vehicle and purchased a handicap accessible van that I saw on the website. Now I can travel with my wife and grandkids because of the space and accommodations in the van. I also get my van serviced at Cassill Motors and have told other people that they should come shopping here now. I hope to travel to Florida this winter and watch Landon race in person at Daytona. -Earl Schwartz
Former Co-worker and Current Customer

Susan Houy

School Librarian & Customer

Congratulations Cassill on your 50 years of service. It's at moments like this when you ask yourself, "So how did our relationship with Cassill begin?". After a bit of reflection, I realized Cassill became a part of our lives LONG before we ever were in the market for a vehicle. It began in the 1990's when our youth group began to grow and Cassill would graciously rent us vans.

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This was something youth group parents GREATLY appreciated. The blessing of Cassill was also intertwined in our lives because my parents had a respect for Cassill. This relationship began during the days my dad was a vendor at the Noelridge Farmers Market. Over the years, their love for Chad and Stephanie allowed them a personal insight into the generosity and community support Cassill Motors was involved in. So, when we discovered Cassill had a used Uplander for sale and our need for a new vehicle was becoming very evident, the decision to buy from Cassill just wasn't difficult since Cassill had invested in our lives over the years in so many ways. In addition, the Service Department has never been anything but kind and professional. And I have to be honest, the fact there were soft chairs and complimentary ice cream sandwiches in the waiting area made it much easier for our boys to wait patiently while the oil change was getting done. Pretty sure the sweet treats, coffee, and conversation were reasons my dad loved stopping by as well. So, THANK YOU CASSILL for doing your best to provide quality vehicles to families, impeccable service and investing in your community. May God bless your business and your family in the years ahead. -Susan Houy
Cassill Friend and Customer